Network Installation Services In Pennsylvania

Mainstreet IT Solutions provides network installation services and network management solutions in Pennsylvania.

Expert Network Installation Services In Pennsylvania

IT networks are complex and varied. It takes a specialist to understand the workings of all those wires and equipment, to grasp the concept of how a computer connects with a cloud service.

If you’re like most business owners, you understand the basic principles of IT networks. But you have better things to do than design and install an entire system, or revamp one in need of updating. That’s where we come in.

If you’re seeking network installation services in Pennsylvania, MainStreet IT Solutions offers the knowledge and capability to design and install every component of a network that will function seamlessly and support your success. We provide comprehensive network installation services for a variety of business sectors, and for organizations large to small. The security of your data is our highest priority.

Mainstreet’s complete network installation services include:

Network Installation Services In Pennsylvania

Installation of Both LAN and WAN Networks

Local Area Network Installation (LAN)

If your business is contained within your home, a small office or cluster of buildings spaced closely together, we can set you up with a Local Area Network (LAN). No business is too small for us. A LAN network that includes the latest features to facilitate speed, efficiency and security, personalized for your business field and location requirements, can be designed and installed for a reasonable price.

Wide Area Network Installation (WAN)

A business that features branches in various locations, from nearby towns to around the globe, will need a Wide Area Network (WAN). We have the skills and experience to plan and install networks for large corporations with multiple business sites in distant locations.  Whether your needs are simple or complex, we can design and provide the right mix of IT network equipment to support the growth of your business.

VPN or Remote Access Network Installation Setup and Configuration

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) for business, can offer the advantage of a direct line between a business’ systems and resources and the authorized personnel with a reason to access them. Encryption limits the danger presented by unauthorized access and resulting visibility of the network to unapproved users, even if the connection is remote or accessed through public Wi-Fi.

We offer complete setup and configuration of VPNs in response to your business’ needs. Security and privacy are our priorities when setting up these types of networks, or providing any type of service.

Wireless Networking Installation Services

Personalized private networks often require the connection of multiple computers in different locations. Wireless connection is increasingly utilized for this purpose, but security is an issue which must be effectively addressed. Providing access to private information through an encrypted network requiring personal information for access optimizes security for these wireless networks.

When any type of cloud service is installed, such as varied types of Software as a Service (SaaS), we take precautions to make certain access is only available to approved users.

Network Security Services

We install equipment, and can make recommendations and offer monitoring services that cover all types of security protection. Our goal is to ensure your network, including wireless services, is safe and private. Actions and features that support security include:

  • Creating access restrictions.
  • Including the feature of data encryption.
  • Protection of Service Set Identifiers (SSID)s.
  • Installing virus protection software.

Network Maintenance

MainStreet IT Solutions offers complete maintenance services and compliance updates. You can rely on us to keep your network online and functioning according to plan. Regular maintenance helps prevent downtime.

Monitoring is available to detect issues before they become full-blown problems. If something does go wrong, our helpdesk service is available 24/7 every day of the year.

Windows Active Directory Setup

Active Directory allows you to store information about your network in a hierarchical structure.

This organized, prioritized, data store makes searching for information about your network much simpler. We can install and set up Active Directory to make things even easier for you.

Passwords are required to permit login access for authorized users and devices in the Windows domain.

Installation of Windows, Mac, Linux or Unix Networking Systems

Our technicians have extensive and versatile skills and experience. They are familiar with the features and installation of various operating systems.

Not certain if Windows is your best option? Come to us with your questions. Tell us about your business. We can help you determine which system will be of greatest benefit.

Server and PC Setup

We will install and set up your server(s), all necessary equipment, connect the entire configuring arrangement and provide requirements for authentication for the user of every personal computer (PC) on the network.

Our comprehensive installation services ensure your network will be installed and set up to support your business needs, and will provide a balance of security protection and user convenience.

Cloud Services

We can install a network that includes public, private or hybrid cloud services. Setting up your own private cloud can be a wise way to allow for growth. The benefits of public cloud are available with the security of an on-premises backup.

The flexibility and speed of a public cloud can be deployed as a service installed in your data center. We can manage the service for you. Configuration can be designed to suit your needs and can be scaled up as demand increases. New resources can be added as your business grows.

Managed IT Services Offer Ongoing Network Maintenance and Support

The need for professional IT service doesn’t end once your network is installed. IT networks are works in progress.

They must be monitored to detect issues before they become serious problems. It’s essential to remain in compliance with various requirements and to update software licenses before expiration. And, having a helpdesk to contact for remote access if something does go wrong, especially outside regular business hours, can prevent profit-draining downtime.

You can rely on our thorough and responsible network installation services. If you’re pleased with our work, our relationship doesn’t have to end there. MainStreet IT Solutions offers complete Managed IT Services to keep the system up and running so you can focus on building your business.

Interested in locating network installation services for guidance when creating, updating or optimizing your IT network configuration? Have questions?

Contact us to discuss network installation services in Pennsylvania.

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