Cybersecurity Audits for a More Secure Network

Mainstreet IT Solutions provides cybersecurity audits and cybersecurity evaluations for business throughout Central Pennsylvania.

Cybersecurity Audits for a More Secure Network

Cybersecurity threats continue to evolve each day, and with organizations adopting new technologies, cyberattackers are also finding new ways of infiltrating systems. A recent report by the FBI revealed that cyberattacks on enterprises increased by more than 300% during the COVID-19 pandemic. A separate report by IBM showed that data breach incidents reached an average cost of about $3.86 billion as of 2021. Therefore, if you leave your systems unchecked, these risks can undermine business objectives. Notably, organizations have to implement effective cybersecurity programs to steer clear of the ever-evolving cybersecurity threats.

One essential component that helps an organization have a successful cybersecurity program is the administration of cybersecurity audits. Regular cybersecurity audits with an IT expert’s help will help you identify existing gaps within your cybersecurity infrastructure. These audits also help businesses to assess their compliance with various laws and regulations. Some regulations like the EU GDPR have the right to impose penalties and fines if a cybersecurity breach leads to exploited data. Read on as we share more insights into the role of regular cybersecurity audits in maintaining a secure network.

What are Cybersecurity Audits?

Cybersecurity audits involve a comprehensive review and analysis of your business’s IT infrastructure. This process helps identify threats and vulnerabilities, thereby exposing weak links and high-risk practices in your system. With regular audits, you can take a proactive approach while crafting appropriate cybersecurity policies, leading to more dynamic threat management. This will help minimize cybersecurity breach consequences and prove that your business has taken the right measures to protect your clients and essential company data. When considering an audit, it’s advisable that you hire experienced third-party vendors to carry out cybersecurity audits to eliminate any conflicts of interest.

What Steps Can You Take to Be More Secure

After a thorough cybersecurity audit, you should take your prioritized list of threats and make firm decisions on the security measure to put in place to help you neutralize or eradicate potential risks. However, the priority list can be different depending on the nature and industry of your business since security levels differ. You can consider the following security solutions in your organization.

Network Monitoring

The bad actors are always on the lookout to identify any loopholes in your system that they can use to gain access to your network. To avoid these scenarios, you can partner with a third-party IT company to help you with the network monitoring procedures to stay ahead of the cybercriminals. Alternatively, you can consult an IT professional on the most appropriate network monitoring software that can notify you of any dubious activities in your company’s network.


Many organizations are now paperless, thanks to the increased reliance on technology. As a result, most organizations are now using backups and online storage services. Shockingly, a considerable number of businesses don’t have a reliable backup plan yet, with about 60% of these organizations shutting down within six months after suffering data loss. Therefore, you need to regularly back up your company data and isolate it from your main network. This way, you will always have data that you can use even in a crisis, eliminating possible downtime after a data breach.

Software Updates

Once in a while, you will find your machine making various installations and updating software. Software updates may seem irritating because they may disrupt your work, but they are vital. These processes come with the up-to-date security patches, which are critical to the security of your machine. Therefore, you can enforce compulsory updates in your company’s security plan. This way, all the devices in your business network will have the latest security measures.

Training Workshops

Your employees are vulnerable to making mistakes, which makes them the weakest link against cyberattacks. Investing in security awareness can significantly reduce the impact of cyberattacks. You should also plan for regular refresher training sessions to minimize errors and increase cybersecurity awareness.

Email Protection

Nowadays, phishing attacks are rampant mostly because cybercriminals are making them more sophisticated and difficult to spot. With just a single click on a phishing email, the bad actors will access your data. Although spam filters can help you eliminate these emails, training your workforce on the best ways to recognize them is much more effective.

Who Needs a Cybersecurity Audit?

If you want to ensure that your enterprise’s data is protected, security audits are vital. You may think that your company infrastructure is secure, but a security audit may identify possible loopholes. A cybersecurity audit will give a clear picture of whether your network is suitable for business needs and ensure that your security is updated. Essentially, a cybersecurity audit will show you if you are doing the right things to protect your data.

How Your Organization Benefits from Cybersecurity Audits

By performing security audits, you can expect to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Increase reputational value
  • Improve security posture
  • Highlight weaknesses
  • Assure clients, vendors, and employees
  • Uncover security risks
  • Saves the cost of a data breach

Talk to the Experts About a Cybersecurity Audit

Performing a cybersecurity audit in your organization helps to provide details related to the risks associated with your IT network. Even better, this process helps to find potential vulnerabilities and security loopholes in your system. Importantly, you will have a chance to patch them on time and keep the bad actors at bay. Besides, you will never make good progress with emerging technologies if you don’t have proper strategies to mitigate cyber threats.

If your organization is in South Central PA, Mainstreet IT Solutions can do the necessary cybersecurity audits on your behalf. We have a team of professionals who are committed to providing your enterprise with unmatched IT solutions. When you have us by your side, you can have peace of mind knowing that we will seal all the loopholes we find in your system and prepare for the likelihood of any cyberattacks. We also offer businesses a 30-day no-questions-asked guarantee on various cloud services for enterprises, including cybersecurity auditing. Reach out to Mainstreet IT Solutions today to help you secure your business.

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